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Nursing Methods For Patients With Urinary Incontinence
- 2023-09-14 11:00:31-

The so-called urinary incontinence means that the patient cannot control urination automatically, and urine will be discharged from the urethra automatically. With urinary incontinence, of course, the most important thing is to find the cause and deal with it from the cause, so that the problem can be solved permanently. However, some urinary incontinence may not be cured, so the nursing should be more detailed. What nursing matters should be paid attention to? Here are some details.

First, we should give patients more encouragement and comfort. The psychological pressure of patients with urinary incontinence is relatively large, and they are easy to have inferiority complex and are unwilling to communicate with others. For this patient. It is inadvisable to understand more, comfort the patient more, encourage the patient, and avoid ridiculing or even scolding the patient.

Second, you can put disposable diapers on patients or use urine pads to prevent urine from spilling on their clothes. However, it should be noted that the diapers or urine pads should be frequently observed and replaced in a timely manner, and the perineum should be regularly cleaned with water to keep it clean.

Third, we should prevent bedsores. Many patients with urinary incontinence are long-term bedridden patients. For such patients, turn over frequently and massage the local skin, which can effectively prevent the emergence of bedsores.

Third, it can help patients strengthen exercise. Patients can do more anal contraction exercises, which can exercise the urethral sphincter and has certain benefits for relieving urinary incontinence. After a certain interval, patients can urinate regularly, which can also effectively prevent urinary incontinence. Sometimes the patient's urine intention may not be obvious when urinating regularly. At this time, the bladder can be properly pressed to increase the urine intention.
