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Reasons To Use Dog Diapers
- 2023-09-13 15:00:28-

Reasons To Use Dog Diapers

Urinary Incontinence

This is a medical condition which may be caused by a urinary tract infection, a weakened sphincter muscle, diabetes, or bladder problems. If you suspect that your dog’s incontinence is due to a physical problem and not behavior, the first step is to talk to your veterinarian. Surgery or medications may help, but if not, dog diapers will become a daily part of life.

Diapers for Senior Dogs

Older dogs have a more difficult time controlling their urges and may not be able to get outside quickly enough to avoid accidents. In some cases cognitive impairment can contribute to incontinence as well. Medications can help, but dog diapers may still be a necessity.

Dog Diapers for Female Dogs in Heat

A diaper will keep your house cleaner and will prevent your dog from the near constant licking that can occur with female dogs in heat. 

Dog Diapers for House Training

Dog diapers may be handy while your new dog is learning how to house train. However, you’ll still need to take the diapers off and let him go outside frequently enough for proper housetraining. 

Tips For Using Dog Diapers

Before you start using dog diapers, check with your veterinarian. There may be underlying causes of urinary incontinence, and surgery or medications that can treat it successfully. 
