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The pet industry, you don't know cold knowledge!
- 2023-09-12 17:13:33-

TOP. 1 Dogs cannot see 'color'
It's not that you can't see colors, it's just that you can't see so many colors in human eyes. Humans have three types of cone cells, while dogs lack one, only two, and they often lack red and green cone cells.
TOP. 2 Cat food is not as expensive as possible
Don't think that foreign food is the best, and don't think that expensive food can measure the quality of cat food. Mainly based on the ingredients, the higher the content of fresh meat and meat powder, the better, the calcium phosphorus ratio (ideal ratio 1.2:1), and the protein content (animal protein only counts).
Of course, you can't believe a 20 pound grain with fresh meat written on it. And the "cat food" I make myself is much healthier than "cat food". Don't believe what the internet says. Cats have a bad stomach and cannot eat anything. Cats in rural areas eat with people, don't be too pampered!
TOP. 3 Dogs distinguish your emotions through their tone of voice
They cannot understand human language, but they know the height and changes of their voices. Why don't you give it a try? Use a gentle tone to scold it. Will it resist being mischievous? Believe me, I will definitely surprise you!
TOP. 4 Pets have fingerprints like humans
Human fingerprints are on ten fingers, pet fingerprints are on the nose! And every pet will have its own unique nasal pattern. In developed countries abroad, there is a nose print recognition system exclusive to cats and dogs, which is used to identify the identity of pets
Dogs and cats have wet noses, but in fact, the nasolacrimal ducts inside their nasal cavities secrete mucus. When you often see a dog licking its nose, it is also to keep its nose moist.
TOP. 5 Pets can perceive those who love animals
Pets are very spiritual, and the smell on your body cannot deceive them. Generally, people who love animals will be exposed to the scent of other animals to some extent. As long as you get close and smell familiar odors, they will not resist much.
TOP. 6 Domestic cats can run up to 60km/h
Is it a bit of a shock? Even if I'm lazy at home, I don't exercise much.
In fact, it is the fecal officials who suppress its nature. The small room cannot allow the cat to run, and sometimes, when the cat "sniffs", will the fecal officials scold it?

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